Bereavement Support Payment
We understand that when someone close to you dies, you might be left wondering how you will be able to cope financially, especially if the person who died was your partner. Our guide to Bereavement Support Payment will help you to identify if you are eligible following the loss of your partner.
Bereavement Support Payment is a benefit that can be paid if your husband, wife, or civil partner has died on or after 6 April 2017. Some partners (not married or in a civil partnership) can also claim this but only in certain circumstances. It can be paid regardless of your own income or whether you are in or out of work.
Relationship to the person who has died
To be eligible, the person that has died must have been the following:
o Your husband or wife
o Your Civil partner
o Your Cohabiting partner, but only if both of the following apply:
– you look after a child who lived with you and your partner, and
– you get child benefit for this child
Age rules
You must be under State Pension age when your partner died to be eligible to make a claim.
The person who has died must have either:
o paid national insurance contributions (class 1 or 2) for at least 25 weeks in one tax year, or
o died because of an accident at work, or a disease caused by their work
How much can I receive?
You may be eligible for monthly payments and a one off lump sum.
Monthly payments: The period of payment is 18 months from the day after the date of death. If eligible, it is paid monthly in arrears. It is usually paid monthly on the same date as the death of partner. When it cannot be paid on the same date (i.e. 29th/30th/31st), it will be paid on the last date of the month. High rate monthly payments are £350 each month. If you have no children, or are not pregnant yet you are married or in a civil partnership you may be eligible for standard rate monthly payments of £250 monthly. You can only claim monthly payments for a backdated period of 3 months so it is important to claim within 3 months of the date of death to ensure you do not lose out. Backdating will be automatic when a claim is made.
Lump sum: For anyone eligible with children, or who are pregnant, this one off lump sum can be paid at the rate of £3500. If you have no children, or are not pregnant, yet you are married or in a civil partnership, you may be eligible for a lump sum of £2500. A lump sum but must be claimed within 12 months of the date of death. It is usually paid in the first month alongside the first monthly payment.
If eligible, will it affect current benefits I receive?
Bereavement Support Payment will not affect benefits for a year after the first payment. After a year, money left from the first payment (one off sum) could affect the amount you get if you renew or make a claim for another benefit. Bereavement Support Payment is not counted as income within the benefit cap. Bereavement Support Allowance can be paid alongside both contributory and non-contributory benefits.
Is Bereavement Support Payment taxable?
No, Bereavement Support Payment is not taxable.
Can payments stop?
Yes, even if you are eligible for Bereavement Support Payment, payments will stop if you reach state pension age, or if you are sentenced to prison or on remand. If on remand and subsequently released, then payments can be reinstated.
What if I re-marry?
Starting cohabiting with someone else, remarrying, or forming a new civil partnership does not affect entitlement to bereavement support payment.
Can Funeral Experts advise me on eligibility?
Our bereavement advisors are trained to advise you around eligibility to Bereavement Support Payment. Call us now to find out more.